Extension Education

The department of extension education gives the knowledge about application of Scientific research and knowledge to agricultural practices through farmer education. Throughout degree program this department includes the knowldege of rural sociology & educational psychology, different extension methodologies for effective transfer of agricultural technologies to the farmers through audiovisual aids like, television, Radio, OHP, LCD, DVD, charts, posters, leaflet, folders, Kisan Call Centre, internet, world wide web, also the Entrepreneurship Development programmes and given the practical experience at root level through Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) in different villages.
Course Out come :
1. EXTN-111 : 2+0 = 2
Course Title : Rrural sociology and educational psychology
Knowing social life of rural people and understand their psychology and general tendency.
2. EXTN-122 : 2+1 = 3
Course Title : Fundamentals of Agricultural Extension education
Identification of problems to implement the Extension programme and information about different Government schemes implemented for rural developement and different methods of communication
3. EXTN-123 : 1+1 = 2
Course Title : Communication Skills and Personality Developments
Different communication technologies for transfer of improved technology to the farmers and how to increase the rate of adaption of different technologies.Personality Development ,Listening, writting and specking skills etc
4. EXTN-355: 1+1 = 2
Course Title : Entrepreneurship development and Buisness Communication
Developing Entrepreneur characteristics with different ED programmes implemented by the Government for Youths.
5. ELE-EXTN-244 : 2+1 = 3
Course Title : Agricultural Journalism
Importance and scope of Journalism, Newspapers and Magazines as a communication Media, how to write Form and Content of news,Style and language of Newspapers.