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College of Agriculture, Alani is one of the primer Educational institute in the jurisdiction of the Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krushi Vidyapith, Parbhani. It is part of the Society that runs a network of Schools, Colleges (Senior Colleges, Engineering Colleges and Agricultural Colleges), Polytechnics, at a number of places, occupying a significant place on the educational map of the state. As on date it is fully developed and accredited for excellence in quality education by Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krushi Vidyapith, Parbhani.
The Students Welfare Office is one of the constituent Office of College Of Agriculture Alani with a prime object for over all development of College students.
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National Service Scheme
The National Service Scheme (NSS) has been stared from 1974 at Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani. The main aim of NSS is to develop Social awareness, National Leadership and personality Development of University Students. A
NSS Camp Activities
Cultural Events
Various cultural activities like Theater, Light Vocal, Literary, Dance, Music & and Fine Arts are conduced every year for over all development of college students.
The college Library of college of agriculture alani is building to fulfill the academic needs of the students, faculties and extension staff of thecollege. The library has become an important center for learning with its unique status with respect to collection of text books, reference books, journals, periodicals, e-Resources and databases coupled with need base collection and development. The aim of University Library is to integrate library services and practices into the teaching and learning process and to increase ability to impart and facilitate knowledge acquisition, student learning and the attainment of lifelong learning skills. The University Library with its available resources is continuously trying to enhance student learning and to develop proficiency in information access, retrieval and integration.
With the increasing impact of ICT on higher education, the library has adopted ICT tools for the effective library services. The library is computerized with Koha library management software. With the installation of RFID, the library has moved one more step towards modern library. The grants received form ICAR for strengthening of library has been effectively utilized for the creation of modern facilities in the library.
“The University Library is committed to provide an easy and ready access to library resources for updating the knowledge base of the students and staff. Our endeavor is to keep the users of our library abreast of the state- of-the art inputs in respect of their discipline, so that they can face confidently challenges thrown open by 21st Century. We are streamlining our concerted efforts to build our library as an excellent center for disseminating information”.
Upcoming exam and result will be displayed here
The Marathwada region is distinguished from the rest of Maharashtra State by virtue of its distinct agro-climatic conditions, soil types, topography, location, crops and cropping pattern, land holding and socio economic conditions of farmers. The problems in agriculture and allied sectors are entirely different from other parts of Maharashtra. The college has specifically formulated following mandates to cater the needs of regional agriculture and provide solutions to problems faced by farming community for their livelihood and upliftment on sustainable basis and in turn to contribute to the economical growth rate of national agriculture. To enhance the production and productivity of crops and farm animals for sustainable agriculture and improvement of livelihood of farmers. To conserve natural resources and improve their utilization efficiency for subsistence production of crops and animal produce. To conserve genetic resources and their maintenance for constant crop improvement and animal husbandry by using traditional breeding tools with aid of biotechnology To develop cost effective and sustainable technology for integrated pest, disease and nutrient management. To develop post-harvest management tools and technology for minimizing post-harvest losses in agriculture and production of value added products. To design and develop farm implements and machinery, agricultural process machineries and technology for mechanization of agriculture and proper utilization of natural resources.
Extension Education in agriculture and allied fields is concerned with dissemination of agricultural technologies evolved by the university & ICAR Institutes to the doorsteps of the farmers to increase crop production on one hand and to bring the feedbacks to research system on the other hand. It also aims to transfer of knowledge and skill about agriculture and allied fields and build competence among the farmers and other clientele groups through various extension programmes.
The Directorate of Extension Education is carrying out the extension activities with the help of Training and Visit Scheme, Extension Education Unit, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, and Agricultural Technology Information Center.
Agriculture being prime field, lot of opportunities are there in public and private sectors besides own farming and….
India is an Agricultural Country, about 60 to 70% of our population depends on agriculture. To increase the crop productivity…..
College of agriculture will achieve all success in its future endeavors to improve the farming community across the country…..
I am really proud of being the chairperson of this institute for its unique exitance and working Culture beneficial rural youth…..
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वाणेवाडी येथे खरीप शेतकरी मेळावा यशस्वीरित्या संपन्न कृषी महाविद्यालय आळणी गडपाटी येथील सातव्या सत्रात प्रविष्ट विद्यार्थ्यांनी ग्रामीण जागरूकता कार्यानुभव कार्यक्रम
कृषी महाविद्यालयाच्या प्रक्षेत्रावर खरीप हंगामाच्या पीक संग्रहालयाची निर्मिती करताना महाविद्यालयाचे विद्यार्थी व प्राध्यापक
कृषी महाविद्यालय आळणी यांच्या वतीने कृषिदिनानिमित्त विविध कार्यक्रम वृक्षदिंडी वृक्ष लागवड शेतकरी मेळावा
Available books regarding competative exam like banking upsc mpsc ssc etc
we have various and vast collection of books written by various authors and mpsc asparients
we also have an contact with 3 competative carrier academy of parbhani
Having fair environment is much more necessary which develope an extra in asparients
Our techers provided a better forum with additional benefits which include books newspaper study notes etc
We have additional library and reading room for asparients and also a vast community group
Having a great teachers will help you to achieve your carrier as soon as possible .
Our staff provide lecture live classesand other important things for students
Agricultural have additional benifits of their degree for agri banking , agri mpsc and other fie